Waldbach (Röhr)


Template: Infobox River / BILD_fehlt

The Forest Brook is a 8.1 km long, orographic left tributary of the Rohr in North Rhine -Westphalia, Germany.


The creek rises on the northwest side of the Homert in Fretterwald at an altitude of about 549 m above sea level. NN. The source is located about 800 m southwest of Spring and the tube Röhrquelle away. From its source from the creek flows mainly in northern directions. Below Mitre flows in the left side of the Laurenziusbach and a little later the Schneebecke to. His further career takes him through Endorferhütte, where he still the right side Bütbach receives, on to Endorf. Before Endorf still opens on the right side of the Mühlscheider Bach. After the forest stream Endorf has passed through it flows to 308 m above sea level. NN on the left into the Rohr.

The forest creek overcomes on its 8.1 km long route an altitude difference of 241 m, corresponding to an average bed slope of 29.6 ‰. It drains a 15.238 km ² large catchment area over Roehr, Ruhr and Rhine to the North Sea.

Nature and Environment

Outside the two spatial layers of the stream runs very close to nature. At the hamlet Endorfer hut the banks of the woodland stream was slightly impaired. Only in the local layers of Endorf the forest stream has been heavily modified by humans. The river here flows partly like a channel, where the banks are partly strongly fortified. A drinking water is not carried out from the forest stream.

Also the forest stream was examined on behalf of the Ministry for the Environment, Agriculture and Consumer Protection of North Rhine -Westphalia ( MUNLV ) For the management plan for the Water Framework Directive of the EU. More detailed studies were carried out only from the local situation Endorf. Until Endorf the creek has been studied only to a limited. The forest creek was classified until Endorf changed as natural and from Endorf significant.

With regard to the burden of the forest stream with nitrate, metals and other possible as the water -polluting substances he was rated as good to very good. The chemical state was evaluated as good.

The following reviews are meant only for the run of the forest stream from the local situation Endorf. The general degradation was classified as moderate. The saprobic were classified as good. In animals and plants made ​​these classifications in benthic invertebrates ( living on the sea bottom small creatures such as crabs, clams, snails, insect larvae ) as moderate, with macrophytes ( the naked eye visible aquatic plants that live in and on the water surface, including Chara, mosses and ferns and seed plants such as pondweed ) and phytobenthos (live at the bottom of the water plants, mainly algae) as well. The fish fauna has not been studied. Because of the barriers in the local principles of ecological status and potential for improvement was only classified as moderate.

By the stream dippers and gray wagtails were detected as breeding birds to date. As food stays during herons and black stork. The muskrat is found in years the river.
