Walter Hoppe

Walter Hoppe ( born March 21, 1917 in Wallsee / Donau, Lower Austria, † November 3, 1986 in Lochham ) was a German physicist.


Walter Hoppe was born in Wallsee / Donau in Austria and received his PhD at the Charles University in Prague under Professor Johann Böhm. From 1964 to 1985 he was Director of the Max Planck Institute for Biochemistry in Martinsried.


His most important achievements were based on his experience with X-ray diffraction and electron microscopes, from which he derived new theories, including the invention of the " ptychography ". This has led to studies on the feasibility of high-resolution, three-dimensional representations of complex biological macromolecules, which have not been combined to form crystalline arrays at that time, which are necessary for structural determination using X-ray diffraction (for example, ribosome ).

Hoppe's idea, many shots of the same sample ( a colored sample containing the object of interest ) to combine together, the images were taken from a wide breadth of different angles, followed by a mathematical reconstruction of the object by using Fourier transforms or weighted filtered back projection was performed, are the basis of many of today's techniques for the 3D reconstruction, such as computed tomography. Many of Hoppe's early achievements and contributions have been overlooked by other scientists, as they were mostly published in German magazines.

In the collections of the Deutsches Museum is a device for the Fourier analysis of Walter Hoppe and Kurt Pannke.

Honors and Memberships

Since 1969, Hoppe was a member of the Scholars Academy Leopoldina, since 1986 he was a regular member of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences.

Publications (selection)

  • Walter Hoppe: Towards three- dimensional "electron microscopy" at atomic resolution. In: The natural sciences, vol 61 (1974 ), No. 6, pp. 239-249, ISSN 0028-1042.
  • Walter Hoppe, Hans J. Schramm, M. Sturm, Norbert Hunsmann and Johann Gaßmann: Three-dimensional electron microscopy of individual biological objects.
  • Walter Hoppe and Brigitte Grill: Prospects of three - dimensional high resolution electron microscopy of non- periodic structures. In: Ultramicroscopy, vol 2 (1976 /77), pp. 153-168, ISSN 0304-3991.
  • Michael Radermacher and Walter Hoppe: 3-D reconstruction from conically tilted Projections. In: Jennifer M. Sturgess (ed.): Electron Microscopy, Vol 1 ( Proceedings of the 9th International Congress on Electron Microscopy). MSC, Toronto 1978, p 218-219, ISBN 0-920622-06-2.
  • Walter Hoppe and Reiner Hegerl: Three-dimensional structure determination by electron microscopy. In: Peter W. Hawkes (ed.): Computer Processing of Electron Microscope Images ( Topics in current physics, 13 ). Springer -Verlag, Heidelberg 1980, pp. 127-186, ISBN 3-540-09622-1.
  • Walter Hoppe: Electron Diffraction with the Transmission Electron Microscope as a phase - Determining Spatial Frequency Filtering diffractometer -From Three -Dimensional Structure to the Analysis of Ribosomes. In: Angewandte Chemie International Edition in English, vol 22 (1983 ), No. 6, pp. 456-485, ISSN 0570-0833.