Wave swinger

The wave flight or Wave Swinger (English: Wave Swinger ) is a whirligig with a wavy rotary motion of the passenger carrier. This ride is frequently encountered in both portable version at folk festivals and stationary in amusement parks.


After the Second World War, the Bremer showman Fritz Hanstein built a chain pilot who works as a higher ranking roller coaster and was operated by the company Bertrand Lemoine until 2007 under the title Power shaft.

In 1972, the experienced designer for rides Franz Schwarzkopf then developed a refined, via hydraulic and cable -driven carousel, which was manufactured by the Bavarian company Josef Decorators from Offenberg since then over 200 times and sold to showmen and amusement parks around the world. The manufacturer provides different versions for 32, 40 or 48 passengers. The shaft flight from different manufacturers has been copied or imitated by the success of Hangers and original.


In a slightly bent at the top of the mast, a hydraulic temple is housed, which lifts via a cable to the upper part of the carousel upwards, slightly above the " kink". Here, the upper part of the mast rotate quickly and slowly in the opposite direction, this creates the wave motion. Since 2002 there is the possibility to let the whole thing go backwards.

Wave Swinger in Germany

A total of 13 large Decorators wave airmen were in Germany in 2006 on the trip. There are the companies Hanstein (Bremen), Barthel (Berlin), flower ( Leese ), Wendler ( Unna ), Barth -Eberhard ( Augsburg), Roie (Frankfurt am Main ), nickel ( Frankenthal), Baumgartner ( Stuttgart), Drelischek ( Nuremberg ), Driving There ( Munich) and Stranninger ( Munich). The Wave Swinger thistle companies ( Nuremberg) and Kaiser (Circus World ) (Munich ) are the only ones in Germany with a retrofitted by the manufacturer technique that allows us to let go of the carousel backwards. The oldest, yet still well-maintained and fully operational Wave Swinger originate from 1973 (indicated by the paintings of F. Hilpert (Nuremberg) ). Add to that another traveling model of the company short of Freiburg / Breisgau. , Constructed by the defunct company herself throughout, Augsburg.

Wave Swinger in Austria and Switzerland

In Switzerland Silivia Spengler traveled with a Decorators wave flight, but was sold to France in 2007. So there are in Switzerland currently no traveling wave flight. In Austria there since April 2006 in Vienna's Prater, this attraction, it involves the former German travel business " windbag " reverse function ( built in 2002 ).
