
WaveMaker (formerly known as Active Grid) is a free development platform that automates many steps in the development of Ajax Web applications. WaveMaker is itself written in Java and JavaScript and is available as free software under the AGPL in the source code for download, but it can be rented and hosted versions that run on virtual servers Amazon ( the so-called Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud, EC2 ).

WaveMaker enables web developers to create Ajax applications. The WaveMaker framework itself has integrated Spring, ACEGI, Dojo Toolkit, LDAP, Active Directory and POJOs. Also it contains Visual Ajax Studio 4.0 for RIA development and WaveMaker Rapid Deployment Server for Java applications.

Applications that were created with the WaveMaker Community Edition, available under the Apache license. A commercial license with additional security options is also available.

WaveMaker applications are created using the WaveMaker Studio, a WYSIWYG editor that runs in the browser and the Web application development with drag and drop allows that follow a Model-View- Controller architecture. WaveMaker supports RAD, like Microsoft Access, PowerBuilder, and Lotus Notes.

WaveMaker applications are running on a standard Java server based on Apache Tomcat, Dojo Toolkit, Spring and Hibernate. Thanks to the implementation of the software in the platform-independent programming language Java, it runs on all platforms that are supported by the corresponding runtime environment. Pre- installation packages are available for Windows, Linux and Mac OS X.

WaveMaker has been acquired in March 2011 by SpringSource, a division of the company VMWare. It is also both the free and open source community version give, as well as the Enterprise Edition for commercial use.

Since June 27, 2011, the Enterprise and Community Edition has been merged and published as open source with the version 6.3.2 GA.

One of the main innovations of version 6.5.0, the mobile is support. The application created by running on desktop, phone and tablet systems.
