Webers Peaks

- 79.466666666667 - 84.666666666667Koordinaten: 79 ° 28 ' S, 84 ° 40 ' W

Webers Peaks is a mountain ridge with several peaks in the West Antarctic Heritage Range. It is encircled by the Splettstößer Glacier to the north, Balish Glacier in the east and the Dobbratz and Fendorf glaciers in the west.

At the tops of the peaks Weber include the Bingham Peak ( 1540 m ), the POJETA Peak ( 1500 m ), the Springer Peak ( 1460 m) in the north, and the Hurst Peak (1790 m) in the south.

Your name got the summit of a research expedition from the University of Minnesota, the 1962/63 the Ellsworthgebirge explored. They named it after a member of the expedition, the geologist Gerald F. Webers.
