Weneg (Egyptian deity)

Weneg (also UNEG ) was a sky - god of the dead and the ancient Egyptian religion. Weneg In his role as " cosmological guard" protects the earth and its inhabitants before the birth of chaos.


The earliest mentions of Weneg as a deity can be found in the Pyramid Texts ( PT) of the kings Teti II, Pepi I., Queen Neith and the king Merenre - Nemtiemsaf where he is, for example, testified as god of the dead and as late king Son of Re is called. There is first asked for a safe voyage in the bark of heaven Rê for the late king and referenced Weneg:

" PT 363; Column 607c - d: Rê comes, put the king on the other side, just like you your companions that Weneg plant, übersetzst, who love you so! "

In contrast, the King is in PT 476 directly equated with the God Weneg:

" PT 476; Column 952a - d: You are the guardian of the path of the king who is the great gate, justify the king in front of the two great and powerful gods, the king is finally Weneg plant, the son of Rê, which crosses the sky, which directs the earth, and which depends on the gods. "

Otherwise, the deity Weneg in Egypt's history is hardly busy, he is only mentioned in the pyramid texts of the 6th Dynasty, where he appears as a manifestation of God's air training. The name " Weneg " as such is otherwise occupied only for a controversial ruler of the 2nd Dynasty: Weneg.
