Western Zhou Yan State Capital Museum

The Liulihe - site (Chinese琉璃河 遗址, Pinyin Liulihe Yizhi, English Liulihe site) in the city subdistrict Liulihe, City Fangshan District, Beijing, China, is a former capital of the state of Yan from the Western Zhou Dynasty.

In 1973 there were several bronzes with the caption "匽(燕)侯" ( "Yan hou ", ie " Marquis of Yan " or " Marquis of Yan " ) excavated. After the burial, the site also tomb of the State of Yan (燕 国 墓地, Yanguo mudi, English State of Yan Cemetery ) called.

Since 1988 she is on the list of monuments of the People's Republic of China ( 3-201 ).
