White Squall (film)

White Squall - Snapping flow is an American film from 1996, directed by Ridley Scott. The plot is loosely based on the true story of the school ship Albatross.


The film is about the tragic shipwreck of a U.S. sailing training ship. 1960 are formed on the sailing ship Albatross under the captain Christopher Sheldon to twelve sailors youthful cadets of the Ocean Academy. On the journey through the Caribbean and they get to know the fellow human beings better and grow together as a close-knit community. But on the return trip gets the Albatross reportedly in a white squall capsizes and sinks. Lose two cadets, the cook and the wife of the captain, Dr. Alice Sheldon, her life.

Captain Sheldon is then accused by the parents of the young people to have acted with gross negligence during the storm. There will be a hearing before a committee of the coastguard, which is to decide on his captain's license. Although the surviving cadets try to protect their captain, this takes the blame for the disaster on themselves. He may ultimately retain his patent, but never goes to sea again.


" An inconsequential film, which tells once well-known with beautiful pictures, but as an adventure film is never really in motion and not more than cultivated boredom spread. "
