Wie Kinder Schlachtens miteinander gespielt haben

How have children slaughtering played together is the title of two stories (ATU 1343 *). They stood in the Children's and Household Tales of the Brothers Grimm only in the 1st edition of 1812 in place of 22 (KHM 22a). There, the title wrote How Children have played with slaughtering each other.


In Fran Ecker in West Friesland five -and six- year-old children play battles with distributed roles: butcher, cooking, pork, cook, under cook. The Butcher breaks down the sow and cuts the throat, the lower cook collects the blood in a bowl. A councilor sees this and include the butcher with. The Council sits court. On an old man shall the judge considers the child an apple and a florin out. It takes the apple and is recognized as innocent.

Two children see how her father slaughters a pig. In the afternoon it wants a replay on Brother and pushes the knife into his neck. The mother hears the screams, the knife pulls out and pushes it in anger the other child 's heart. Meanwhile drowns her little child in the bathroom. She is heartbroken and hanged himself. The man comes home, sees it and dies shortly after from grief.


Achim von Arnim criticized the texts than for children to cruel and seductive imitation. Wilhelm Grimm defended his mother's fairy tale, it just made him cautious and timid in games, but it was away from the 2nd edition.
