William Russ

William Russ ( born October 20, 1950 in Portsmouth, Virginia ) is an American actor.

Life and achievements

Russ is a son of a naval officer. He completed a degree in dramaturgy at the University of Michigan. Russ made ​​his debut in a major role in the horror comedy Death Bed: . The Bed That Eats of 1977 In the thriller Courage ( 1984), he was seen in a major role opposite Ronny Cox and M. Emmet Walsh.

The main role in sports drama Pastime (1991 ) brought Russia in 1992, a nomination for the Independent Spirit Award. In the years 1993 to 2000, he stepped into a larger role in the television series The Life and I, further, he directed nine episodes. He later starred in several television films and guest roles in television series, including two episodes of the series JAG - The Call of Duty from 2004, in which he embodied a general.

Russ is married to actress Clare Wren and has two children.

Filmography (selection)
