Wolfburn distillery

Wolf Burn is a whiskey distillery in Thurso, Scotland.


The old distillery was founded in 1821 by William Smith & Co. In 1850 the production was stopped. 1872 were only ruins of the plant left.

2011 created the plans for a new distillery near the site of the old plant. In January 2013 we started with the distillation.


The water belonging to the Highlands / Northern Highlands distillery dates back to the Wolf Burn. This is now being used only ungetorftes malt. The distillery has three fermentation tanks (wash backs) (depending 000000000009000.00000000009.000 l) stainless steel which originally were with Caperdonich in operation. ( 000000000005500.00000000005.500 l) and a fine fire bubble ( spirit still ) is distilled in a coarse blister ( wash still ) ( 000000000003600.00000000003.600 l).
