Woodpeckers from Space

Woodpeckers From Space is a song by Kids Video in 1984, which was written and produced by the producers Adams / Fleisner.


Woodpeckers From Space was published on October 5, 1984 worldwide. From there it became a number-one hit in Norway and South Africa. Due to the political situation at the time of the hit in South Africa was published in July 1985. The song contains samples from the Woody Woodpecker intro by Kay Kyser from the year 1948.

The song is 3:34 minutes long and appeared on the album The Invasion of the Spacepeckers. On the B - side of the single is the piece composed Rap And Sing Along.

In the music video Peter Slaghuis and some other members of the band are to be seen; by the way the clip contains some scenes of the cartoon Woody Woodpecker.

Cover versions
