
Common Rotfußröhrling ( Xerocomellus chrysenteron )

The Rotfußröhrlinge ( Xerocomellus ) is a fungal genus in the family Dickröhrlingsverwandten. They were until 2008 part of the Filzröhrlinge ( Xerocomus ), but were placed in a separate genus because of new relational knowledge.

The type species is the Common Rotfußröhrling ( Xerocomellus chrysenteron ).

  • 4.1 Literature
  • 4.2 Notes and references


The Rotfußröhrlingen are species with small to medium size and most often vividly colored fruit bodies. The hat has a dry, velvety at first, and later often felderig torn hat surface. The sometimes longitudinally striped, but usually not netted stem is slender and usually not very festfleischig.

Species delimitation

Crucial features to distinguish the Rotfußröhrlinge of the Filzröhrlingen, Dick boletes and the genus Hemileccinum after Sutara:

Demarcation of the Filzröhrlingen

Delineation of the large boletes

Delineation of Hemileccinum


In Europe, almost 10 taxa are given.

The left fruiting body of the commons Rotfußröhrlings is affected by the gold mold.

Oak Rotfußröhrling Xerocomellus engelii

The stem base of Oak Rotfußröhrlings shows in section mostly carrots red dots.

Gloomy Rotfußröhrling Xerocomellus porosporus

Frosted or Handsome Rotfußröhrling Xerocomellus pruinatus

On older tires Rotfußröhrlingen the wine-red under the skin can be seen on the hat brim often.

Blood Red Rotfußröhrling Xerocomellus rubellus

Spores of the Crimson Rotfußröhrlings under the light microscope

