Yakovlev Yak-10

The Yakovlev Yak -10 (Russian Яковлев Як -10 ) was a single-engine strutted high-wing monoplane and was used as a liaison aircraft. Were built 40 copies.


1944 flew the first type under the designation Yak- 14th Shortly afterwards a glider of Yakovlev received this abbreviation, the machine has been renamed. A parallel design was published in the same year Yak- 13th

The first flight tests met the expectations of the aircraft is not, which is why we undertook some changes. In June 1945, the trial was then finalized and the pattern went with the 145 hp engine M- 11FM in series. The top speed was 200 km / h

As a further development, the built in large numbers in several variants appeared Yakovlev Yak- 12th


  • Jak - 10W ( Wywosnoi = trainer) named version with dual controls
  • Jak -10S a sanitary design
  • Jak -10G float version, this never got beyond the prototype stage.
  • A version with snow skids

