Yatenga Province

Yatenga is a province in the northern region in the West African state of Burkina Faso with about 443 967 inhabitants ( 1997) to 6990 km ².

The province consists of the departments of Barga, Kaïn, Kalsaka, Kossouka, Koumbri, Namissiguima, Ouahigouya, Oula, Rambo, Séguénéga, Tangaye, Thiou and Zogoré. Capital is Ouahigouya, the province is named in reference to the historical kingdom Yatenga.

Balé | Bam | Banwa | Bazèga | Bougouriba | Boulgou | Boulkiemdé | Comoé | Ganzourgou | Gnagna | Gourmand | Houet | Ioba | Kadiogo | Kénédougou | Komondjari | Kompienga | Kossi | Koulpélogo | Kouritenga | Kourwéogo | Léraba | Loroum | Mouhoun | Nahouri | Namentenga | Nayala | Noumbiel | Oubritenga | Oudalan | Passoré | Poni | Sanguié | Sanmatenga | Séno | Sissili | Soum | Sourou | Tapoa | Tuy | Yagha | Yatenga | Ziro | Zondoma | Zoundwéogo

  • Province in Burkina Faso
  • North ( Burkina Faso)