
Yuendumu is a city in the Northern Territory in Australia. The city is located about 300 km north- west of Alice Springs on the Tanami Track. The population is approximately 700 inhabitants and consists mainly of Warlpiri Aborigines with one of the most important artists of organizations of Aboriginal people in Australia.

It houses an approximately 600 people large community of artists who Warlukurlangu. The city was founded in 1946 by the Native Affairs Branch. 1947 a Baptist mission was set up. 1955 many local Warlpiri groups were settled in the city.

In the village and around this place home to many Aboriginal artists who have organized themselves in the Warlukurlangu. These artists' organization has its origins in a painting of the doors of the school of Yuendumu and were painted by Paddy Japaljarri Stewart and Paddy Japaljarri Sims, which belong to the most famous artists of the community.

In the early 1980s the Yuendumu Warlpiri ceremonial first painted designs on canvas and in 1985 was Warlukurlangu Artists - Aboriginal Association founded in Yuendumu.
