Yusuf II, Almohad caliph

Yusuf II, Arabic المستنصر بالله يوسف بن الناصر, DMG al - Mustansir bi- llāh Yūsuf b. An-Nasir, (* 1197, † 1224 ), the sixth caliph of the Almohads was ( 1213-1224 ).


With Abu Yusuf Yaqub al - Mustansir II, the son of Muhammad al-Nasir (1199-1213) began the decline of the Almohadenreiches. He was largely dominated by tribal leaders, said there was much disagreement among these. However, initially succeeded in concluding a truce with Aragon and Castile. Portugal still took advantage of the weakness of the Almohads conquered and Setubal.

In the Maghreb, the dissolution of the empire became clear. In addition to the ongoing battles with the Banu Ghanija under Yahya in Ifriqiya and the Marinids / Banu Marin made ​​themselves independent in Morocco. Although an attack on Fez ( 1217 ) could be averted, but was increasingly lost control of the distant provinces.

Yusuf al - Mustansir II died in 1224. According to violent power struggles among the Almohad tribal leaders, were where his successor Abd al - Wahid al - Makhlu ( 1224 ) and Abdallah al - Adil ( 1224-1227 ) overthrown, Idris sat I. al - Mamun (1227-1232) as the new Caliph of the Almohad through.
