Yusuf IV, Sultan of Granada

Yusuf IV († April 1432, Yusuf ibn al - Mawl, Spanish Abenalmao ) was in the 1432 Emir of Granada.

Yusuf ibn al - Mawl, a maternal grandson of Muhammad VI. Was during the infighting among Muhammad IX. forced to flee to Castile. When that his former allies Muhammad IX. dropped, Yusuf was set up as a new candidate for the throne in Granada. Through a Castilian expedition (1430-1431), in which Muhammad IX. was defeated in the Battle of La Higueruela, the Castilians Yusuf could prevail as emir. On January 1, 1432, a day after the flight of Muhammad IX. , He ascended the throne as Yusuf IV. Yusuf publicly renewed the vassalage of Granada against Castile and announced to receive the tribute again. Many cities of the emirate as Almería, Málaga and Ronda, Yusuf refused then the followers so that Muhammad IX. there still was able to maintain. Also in Granada itself incited Islamic legal scholars, the general public against Yusuf on where they saw a puppet of Castile, and riots broke out. About the exact end of Yusuf, a few months after his accession to the throne, there are different information. Gutierre Diez de Games writes in his El Victorial, Yusuf was captured and lynched by rebels. Contrary, it stated in the Chronicle of the Falconer, you have to Muhammad Yusuf IX. passed, the 've let execute him immediately. Muhammad IX. in any case could again win in the Nasrid kingdom rule.

A literary echo took Yusuf's life in numerous contemporary seals, including the Romance de Abenamar, a narrative poem or romance, which is a fictional dialogue with Yusuf's King John II of Castile.
