YZ Group

The YZ - group is a group suspected of Attic red-figure vase painters of the style.

Individual artists are elusive. The group got its Notnamen by John D. Beazley who described the works of the YZ group as the latest tangible figurative works of the style. " YZ " is analogous to the alphabet of the end of the red-figure vase painting in Athens. The group must have worked around the year 320 BC. It is unclear the exact end, as a chronology of the vases is difficult. Since it is not a few vases, it is possible that was only for a short while, but produced in large numbers. Showing Cupids, women and Niken. The Tondi of the shells are reminiscent of works from the early years of the century, but they are unclean and coarser in execution. Besides shells also Askoi, pyxides and small Lebetes gamikoi be painted.
