
The Zuidlaardermarkt is an annual event in Zuidlaren, a village in the north of the Netherlands. The Zuidlaardermarkt takes place in October every third Tuesday.

The event consists of one of the largest livestock markets in Europe and a fair with about 350 stalls and fairground attractions. The Fair is always in the center of the village next to the horse market. Since foot-and- mouth disease in 2001, there is no more cattle, but primarily horses. In Dutch, German and Belgian horse traders the horse market has become very popular. The history of Zuidlaardermarkt goes back to the 12th century, the first market took place in 1200.

Facts and Figures

In the year 2004 1883 horses and 62 frames were placed on the Zuidlaardermarkt for trade. In the same year there were exactly 350 stalls, which together constitute a length of 4.2 km in the streets occupied Zuidlarens. Market Manager is Jaap Mellema from the community Tynaarlo. Many volunteers help organize the event, and the local choral society makes with.
