African Banks

Geographical location

The African Banks are a sandbank group in the north of Amiranten which belong to the Outer Islands of the Seychelles island republic.


The sandbanks extend over 4 km north-south and 3 km east-west and occupy a total area of ​​about 10 km ². With a shallow Korallensaum in the east the sandbank appears as incomplete Atoll. To the west of the coral ring, however, is 18 to 37 feet deep. The sandbar had once two small areas of land in North Iceland, 275 m long and 45 to 90 m wide, and South Iceland, 230 m long and 70 m wide.

While South Iceland in 1976 disappeared by wave erosion and here are just a sandstone ridge, the dry falls remained even at low tide, still is the small North Iceland 's northernmost island of Amiranten. From her former neighbor island South Iceland it is only 2.9 km away.

Ten kilometers northwest before North Iceland is a dangerous vessel traffic shoal, the Lady Denison - Pender sandbar. This position is marked geographically the northern end of Amiranten Island chain. The closest island is the Remire Island, 25 km to the south.


The origin of the name African Banks is not released. The islands were discovered in 1797 by Admiral Willaumez as captain of the frigate La Régénérée, who called Îlots Africains.
