Amirante Islands#Lady Denison-Pender Shoal

Geographical location

The Lady Denison - Pender sandbar, Eng. Lady Denison - Pender Shoal, one of the Amiranten, an island chain in the western Indian Ocean.

Lady Denison - Pender is a dreaded in marine shoal, as it is only a maximum of 15 meters below sea level, while the adjacent marine area has water depths greater than 300 meters. It is located 10 km north-west of North Iceland, in the North Island of Sand Bank Group African Banks and also the northernmost island of the Outer Islands of the Seychelles island republic, and thus marks the northern end of Amiranten Island chain.

The sandbar is named after the English steamship " CS Lady Denison Pender ", which was traveling as a cable ship from 1934 to 1938 in the Indian Ocean.
