
52.59777777777811.44222222222238Koordinaten: 52 ° 35 ' 52 "N, 11 ° 26' 32" E

Position of the settlement Algenstedt in Gardelegen

Algenstedt is a town and a district of the Hanseatic City Guard Insert in the Altmark Salzwedel in Saxony- Anhalt.


Algenstedt located about nine kilometers northeast of Gardelegener old town along Route 27 The Secantsgraben tangent to the district north and simultaneously forms the county boundary between the district of Stendal and Salzwedel Altmark.


1910 lived in the community Algenstedt 280 inhabitants. The community Algenstedt belonged to the administrative community and Southern Altmark was in the Altmark Salzwedel.

Due to a change in the contract area, the municipal council of the municipality Algenstedt decided on 11 December 2008 that the church Algenstedt is incorporated in the Hanseatic city Gardelegen. This agreement was approved by the county as a lower municipal supervisory authority and entered into force on 1 July 2009.

After incorporation of the previously autonomous municipality Algenstedt was Algenstedt district of the Hanseatic city Gardelegen. For powered finished my community wurdedie village constitution introduced under § § 86 et seq Municipal Code Saxony- Anhalt. The municipality is my finished Algenstedt and future district Algenstedt was the village of receiving Hanseatic City Guard Set. In the eingemeindeten community and nunmehrigen village Algenstedt a Ortschaftsrat was formed with six members including mayor.
