Alto Gállego

The Alto Gallego is a Comarca (administrative unit ) of the Aragon Autonomous Community in Spain. It lies in the north of the region in the province of Huesca at the headwaters of the river Gallego. The comarca has an area of ​​1359.8 sqm 14,447 inhabitants (as of 1 January 2013).

The comarca was formed by Act of the Autonomous Community of Aragon of 2 July 2001, which also contains the basic provisions to its constitution.

Headquarters of the comarca is Sabiñánigo, the largest of the corresponding 8 municipalities ( municipios ) with around 70 % of its inhabitants.

Alto Gallego originally belonged to Jacetania, the core of the former county of Aragón. The Comarca is bordered to the west by the Jacetania, to the north by France, on the east by the Comarcas Sobrabe and Somontano de Barbastro and south to the Hoya de Huesca.

The associated municipalities: Biescas, Caldearenas, Hoz de Jaca, panticosa, Sabiñánigo, Sallent de Gallego, Yebra de Basa and Yesero.

