Eurovision Song Contest 1994

◄ Ireland ESC 1993 | ESC 1994 Ireland | Ireland ESC 1995 ►

The 39th Euro Vision Song Contest took place on 30 April 1994 at the Point Theatre in Dublin instead. Belgium, Denmark, Israel, Slovenia, Luxembourg and Turkey had to put in a year of forced break after their performance in the recent ESC. Italy renounced voluntarily participate.


For Germany, the group took MeKaDo entitled We give ' a party in part that landed in 3rd place. Petra Frey took with For peace of the world on the 17th place after Austria, Duilio and Sto pregnato occupied the 20th place Switzerland The Switzerland had to stop after a year and was missing for the first time in the history of the ESC.

A large number of newcomer countries this year came from Eastern Europe. Edyta Górniak from Poland immediately caused a sensation - To never even came in at number 2 Hungary also came up - Kinek mondjam el vétkeimet of Friderika Bayer got the same for the first three ratings, the maximum number of points, namely from Sweden, Finland and Ireland. In the end it was only fourth. Russia, too, ended up in the first half. In contrast, Slovakia, Romania, Estonia and Lithuania sections at its premiere from relatively poor. All of these countries have had to suspend the following year.

At the end of the song Rock ' n ' roll kids, Paul Harrington and Charlie McGettigan which recited, made the race. Ireland won for the third time in a row and the sixth time overall. Thus, Ireland became the sole record holder of the ESC. However, the far more successful performance of the evening was the Riverdance for the first time listed in the break.


The countries in the squares from 1 to 18 are approved for the Euro Vision Song Contest 1995. 1 English is an official language alongside Maltese from Malta, Malta why could compete with English-language songs, as the songs were sung in their own language.


* The table is vertically ordered by the appearance order, horizontally to the chronological point Ever reading.

