Federico Richter Fernandez-Prada

Federico Richter Fernandez - Prada, OFM ( born February 14, 1922 in Huanta; † August 8, 2011 in Lima) was a Peruvian religious clergyman and Roman Catholic Archbishop of Ayacucho o Huamanga.


Federico Richter Fernandez - Prada occurred on January 28, 1940, the Congregation of the Franciscan House of Studies and studied in the Peruvian Franciscan Province of the Twelve Apostles in the convent of La Recoleta in Cusco. He put on 30 January, 1944 the profession and received on 14 July 1946, the ordination. He was active in pastoral ministry in the Diocese of Huamanga, later active in the teaching and training of priests in Cusco and Lima, as well as religious functions.

Pope Paul VI. appointed him on 12 April 1973 Titular Bishop of Thucca in Numidia. and appointed him auxiliary bishop in Piura. The Archbishop of Lima, Cardinal Juan Landázuri Ricketts gave him on 17 May of the same year, the episcopal ordination; Co-consecrators were Erasmo Hinojosa Hurtado, Archbishop of Piura, and Leonardo José Rodriguez Ballón OFM, Archbishop of Arequipa.

On September 20, 1975, he was appointed Apostolic Administrator and Coadjutor Bishop of Ayacucho o Huamanga and Titular Archbishop per hac vice of Thucca in Numidia. On November 20, 1979, the appointment as Archbishop of Ayacucho o Huamanga was made by Pope John Paul II

On 23 May 1991, Pope John Paul II accepted his resignation due to age.


Federico judges experienced as bishop the terrorist violence of the leftist guerrilla organization Sendero Luminoso ( " Shining Path " ), which had its seat as bishop judges in Ayacucho. He was committed to the civilian population and was one of the toughest critics of Abimael Guzmán and its armed struggle against the government.

Richter Fernandez - Prada was known as a supporter of the historic Franciscan studies. In 2001 he was the founding director of the Institute of the Franciscan history in Peru in Lima. He was from 2006 to 2011 President of the Episcopal Commission for the Cultural Heritage of the Church.

For his services to the Church in Peru, he was honored at the 81st General Assembly of the Bishops of Peru with the gold medal of the " Medalla de Oro de Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo " on 26 January 2002.


  • Anales de la Provincia de los Doce Apóstoles franciscana de Lima ( Perú ): constituciones de 1580 con anotaciones 1986 Imprenta de la Universidad de San Cristóbal de Huamanga 1986
  • Fray Luis de Zerbela y sus obras en San Francisco de Jesús de Lima: 1625-1700, Estela Hnos. 1986
  • Vida y obras del P. Pedro Alva y Astorga, Franciscano, Ediciones de la Provincia de Anales de los Doce Apóstoles Franciscana de Lima, 1988
  • Mojica ( Fr José Fco de Guadalupe. ): Religioso y sacerdote, Libreria Parish de Claveria in 1991, 112 pages
  • Presencia en el Perú franciscana en los siglos XVI al XX, Editorial Salesian in 1995, 733 pages
  • Los Franciscanos en la evangelización del Perú en los siglos XVI, XVII y XVIII