List of Arminia Bielefeld seasons

The season balances of Arminia Bielefeld show to the League, placement, goal difference, the number of points achieved and the performance in Tschammer or DFB Cup for each season. For some seasons will also, if known, not specified the number of wins, draws and losses as well as the top scorer. Marked in green rankings indicate a rise during red marked positions on descents point. When highlighted in yellow rankings, the team has qualified for a promotion round. Grease case player names indicate that the player was top scorer in his league. By " level " is indicated, in which league Arminia played in the season. A Roman "I" stands for the highest division of his time.

Arminia Bielefeld was founded as the first Bielefeld FC " Arminia " on May 3, 1905. 1919 went to the club to merge with the " Bielefeld Turngemeinde 1848 " and called himself " TG Arminia Bielefeld ". On October 22, 1922, the merger club went bankrupt. On November 6, 1922, the first BFC Arminia was established again. The name change to the present name DSC Arminia Bielefeld took place on 30 January 1926.

Since 1933, the Arminia is 27 times or descended. With seven ascents in the Bundesliga Arminia contribute, together with the 1st FC Nuremberg the unofficial title of " record climber ". The most successful Bundesliga seasons were seasons 1982/83 and 1983/ 84, the club was able to complete each eighth. In the DFB Cup team in 2005 and 2006 respectively reached the semi-finals.

Season budgets

To 1933



