List of mountains in Pakistan

This list shows the highest mountains in Pakistan are conducted on the territory of Pakistan, included are all the mountains with a saddle height of at least 500 meters.

The highest mountains of Pakistan are located in the north of the country in the provinces of Gilgit -Baltistan and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Here the state space extends to the Hindukush Mountains, Karakoram and Himalaya.


  • Pakistan rank: rank, the summit among the highest mountains of Pakistan occupies
  • Rank Earth: rank, the summit among the highest mountains of the earth takes
  • Summit: name of the mountain
  • Province ( / neighbor ): name of the province, where the mountain is located. (For peaks, across which the Pakistani border, is the neighboring country to which the mountain is also part indicated )
  • Height: height of the mountain in meters
  • Mountains / mountain: Mountain ( including possibly part Mountains), to which the mountain belongs
  • First ascent: Date of the first ascent of the mountain, named after the first.
  • Image: Image of the mountain



  • Eberhard Jurgalski: High Asia - All mountains and main peaks above 6750 m ( list of Asia's mountains with an altitude of more than 6750 meters ) on, Booth July 22, 2012, accessed on 18 October 2012.

Afghanistan | Armenia | Azerbaijan | Bahrain | Bangladesh | Bhutan | Brunei | Democratic People's Republic of Korea | Georgia | India | Indonesia | Iraq | Iran | Israel | Japan | Yemen | Jordan | Cambodia | Kazakhstan | Qatar | Kyrgyzstan | Kuwait | Laos | Lebanon | Malaysia | Maldives | Mongolia | Myanmar | Nepal | North Korea | Oman | East Timor | Pakistan | Palestine | Philippines | Volksepublik China and Taiwan | Russia | Saudi Arabia | Singapore | Sri Lanka | South Korea | Syria | Tajikistan | Thailand | Turkey | Turkmenistan | Uzbekistan | United Arab Emirates | Vietnam | Cyprus

  • List (mountains on the country )
  • Mountain in Asia
  • Mountains of Pakistan