Magadan Oblast

63154Koordinaten: 63 ° 0 ' N, 154 ° 0' O

The Magadan Oblast (Russian Магаданская область / Magadanskaja oblast ) is an administrative region ( oblast) in Russia.

The oblast is situated in the Far Eastern Russia on the Sea of ​​Okhotsk. It includes a part of the East Siberian mountain country, in particular the Kolymagebirge. About half drained to the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, and the other half belongs to the catchment area of ​​the Kolyma. The Oblast has been inhabited extremely thin, yet lives to more than half of the population in the capital Magadan. The area is slightly larger than that of Sweden, with 462,464 km ². The situation ranges from the latitude of Stockholm to just south of the Arctic Circle.


The Russian colonization of the area began in the 17th century. In Soviet times, the region was notorious as the site of numerous " gulags ". The city of Magadan was founded only in 1939, as a transit town for the deportation of forced laborers in the mining areas. Since 1990, the population has declined significantly again, in total, less than half, outside urban settlements to less than one-eighth.

(Note: 1926-1939 rounded values ​​for the subsequent area, which was founded in 1953 in the inventory of the Oblast Khabarovsk region, including the population (as of 1959 in brackets ) of the National circuit, from the Chukchi Autonomous Okrug in 1980, belonged to the Oblast until 1992)


The main industry is mining; especially gold, silver and tin are encouraged. Also of importance are fishing and energy.

Administrative divisions

The Magadan Oblast is divided into eight Rajons and a city circle. The Rajons are a total of 24 urban and 15 rural communities assumed (as of 2010).



In the Oblast Magadan next to the administrative center of Magadan is just another city, Sussuman, and 28 settlements of urban type (according to the census, according to Rosstat, according to the Oblastverwaltung six of the settlements - Belitschan, Bolshevik, Galimy, Kadyktschan, Spornoje and Werchni At - Urjach - now lost this status and are now formally rural settlements, but this largely abandoned altogether ).
