Michele Lega

Michele Cardinal Lega ( born January 1, 1860 in Brisighella, Ravenna, Italy, † December 16, 1935 in Rome ) was a Cardinal of the Roman Catholic Church.


Michele Lega received his theological and philosophical education in Faenza and Rome. He received on 13 September 1883, the sacrament of Holy Orders and completed his further studies in 1888 awarded the degree of Doctor of Canon Law from. He then worked as a lecturer at various universities of Rome and held various offices in the Council Congregation of the Sacred College true. From 1904 he was a member of the Pontifical Commission for the codification of canon law in 1908 and he became dean of the Roman Rota.

Pope Pius X took Michele Lega on May 25, 1914 as cardinal deacon with the title of S. Eustachio diakonia in the College of Cardinals to Pope Benedict XV. appointed him in December of the same year as prefect of the Supreme Court of the Apostolic Signature. Michele Cardinal Lega was a member from 1917 the Commission for the Authentic Interpretation of Canon Law, 1920, he was Prefect of the Congregation sacrament. Pope Pius XI. elevated him in 1924 while retaining his title church to the rank of cardinal priest per hac vice and appointed him in 1926 to Cardinal Bishop of Frascati. In 1931, Cardinal Michele Lega Subdean the College of Cardinals. As an Pontifical Legate, he represented the Pope at several church celebrations.

Michele Cardinal Lega died on 16 December 1935 in Rome and was buried at his birthplace.

The collection of his rotation decisions of 1909-1914 is considered classic. Coram Lega habitae SR Rotae Decisiones immersive sententiae, Rome 1926 The Preface (p. 9-64 ) are in addition important information to the older Rota decisions and their collections the decisions even added notes provide an interesting comparison between the old and the newer Canon Law.
