Samoyedic languages

The Samoyed languages ​​are spoken by more than 30,000 people in the northern Eastern Europe and northwestern Siberia. They are related to the Finno -Ugric languages ​​and form with them the Uralic language family. In recent years, a relationship is maintained with the jukagarischen Languages ​​in Northeast Siberia.

The most widespread is the Nenets language, also known as signature and official language of several autonomous districts (Russian Okrug ) in Russia is in use. The languages ​​of the Forest Nenets, the Enzen and Nganasans are spoken by a few hundred people and are schriftlos. The also unwritten language of Selkups is the last surviving language of the South Samoyedic languages ​​that were prevalent in Southern Siberia. So saying parts of the ancestors of the Kamassiner and other Siberian Turkic peoples to the 18th century South Samoyed. These extinct languages ​​included the Matorische.

List of Samoyed languages

  • North Samoyedic languages Nenets Tundra Nenets
  • Forest Nenets
  • Selkup ( Ostyak Samoyedic )
  • Matorisch ( extinct)
  • Kamassisch ( extinct)


The term parka for a wind protective winter jacket should have found over the Russian entrance into common parlance.
