(12284) Pohl

Template: Infobox Asteroid / Maintenance / Error 2

( 12284 ) Pohl is one of the major outer asteroid belt, which by the astronomer Eleanor Helin U.S. at Palomar Observatory (IAU code 675) was discovered in California on March 17, 1991.

The asteroid belongs to Theobalda family, a group of asteroids named after ( 778 ) Theobalda and is less than ten million years old. The timeless ( nichtoskulierenden ) orbital elements of ( 12284 ) Pohl are almost identical with those of three smaller (if one of the absolute brightness of 14.5, 15.8 and 15.6 against 12.6 emanates ) Asteroids: ( 101755 ) 1999 FN23, ( 258755 ) 2002 HF3 and ( 355 574 ) 2008 CR83.

( 12284 ) Pohl was named after the American science fiction writer Frederik Pohl on 30 November 2011. The proposal for the designation came from the science fiction writer and astrophysicist David Brin, after an asteroid is also named: ( 5748 ) Dave Brin.
