390s BC

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◄ | 1st millennium BC | ► ◄ | 5th century BC | 4th Century BC | 3rd century BC | ► 390er BC | 380s BC | 370 BC | 360s BC | ► 399 BC | 398 BC | 397 BC | 396 BC | 395 BC | 394 BC | 393 BC | 392 BC | 391 v. BC | 390 BC


  • 399-394 BC: Spartan - Persian War.
  • 396 BC: Destruction of the Etruscan capital Veii by the Roman dictator Marcus Furius Camillus.
  • 395 BC: Beginning of the Corinthian War.
  • To 390 BC: The Celts hike begins. Sack of Rome by the Gauls under Brennus.


  • 391 BC: Aristophanes wrote the comedy Ekklēsiázousai (Women in the People's Assembly ).