4th millennium BC

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The 4th millennium BC describes the period from 4000 BC to 3000 BC


  • Central Europe: archaeological cultures of the Late Neolithic and Late Neolithic.
  • Merger of the Eastern Linear Pottery with the waldneolitischen Ertebølle culture to the Funnel Beaker culture.
  • Diffusion of Western European megalithic culture in Central Europe (eg Michel Berger culture, Walternienburg - Bernburg culture, Wartberg culture) and finally union with the Funnel Beaker culture.
  • Spread of wet soil settlements on the banks of the North Alpine Lakes ( on the northern Italian lakes in the 5th millennium BC)


  • The ancestors of the Inuit migrate across the Bering Strait from Asia to Alaska.
  • In predynastic Egypt, two kingdoms, Lower Egypt in the Nile Delta and Upper Egypt, forming the Nile Valley. At the end of the 4th millennium both kingdoms of Pharaoh Menes are combined. The Egyptian empire extends to the Sinai.
  • In China, the Dawenkou culture exists on the coast of the Yellow Sea. It is characterized by agriculture, animal husbandry and fishing.
  • Emergence of urban centers and city-states with large architecture, art and writing (3300 BC), Uruk in Babylonia as the first representative.
  • Beginning of the temple phase in Malta.

Important people

  • Ötzi, the man from Hauslabjoch (around 3340 BC)
  • Pen - abu, Scorpion I, Hedju - Hor Hor - Ni, double hawk, Ni - Neith, has Hor, crocodile, Iri -Hor, Scorpio II and Ka, first, some not sure occupied, ruler of ancient Egypt.

Inventions and Discoveries

  • In Egypt and Mesopotamia linen is processed systematically. It is possible that the line was being processed in the 5th millennium BC.
  • Around 4000 BC domestication of the donkey's house in Egypt.
  • Development of writing in Sumer ( cuneiform ) and Egypt ( hieroglyphs ).
  • First use of the wheel for transportation.
  • 38th century BC: Invention of the brush painting in China.