Achar (Uruguay)

Achar on the map of Uruguay

Achar is a village in Uruguay.


It is located on the territory of the department of Tacuarembó in the sectors 9 and 11 Closest settlements are Curtina in the north, San Gregorio de Polanco in the southeast and Cuchilla de Peralta and Cardoso in the southwest. In the north Achars the Cuchilla de Santo Domingo extends in an easterly direction, while the area west of the town and of the running there near Arroyo Cardozo, whose source is located north Achars than Cuchilla de Peralta is designated.


On August 21, 1936 Achar was classified by the law Nr.9587 in the " Pueblo " category.


Achar has its own railway station on the location of the passing railway line " Montevideo - Tacuarembó - Rivera ", which there is still taken out of service. A few hundred meters north leads the Ruta 43 over in east-west direction. There is a connection to the national network of bus routes. The village has a school, a playground and a soccer field. In addition, a postal agency is in place. Achar is connected to the water supply and electricity and telephone network, the polyclinic care on site is guaranteed.


Achar had female in the census in 2011 687 inhabitants, of which 334 male and 353.

Source: Instituto Nacional de Estadística de Uruguay, unless otherwise shown
