Adam Hofman

Adam Hofman (born 23 May 1980, Kalisz ) is a Polish politician and since 2005 member of the Sejm in the V. and VI. Term, as well as Chairman of the Forum of Young PiS.

He was a high school in the Fourth General Fine Lyceum " Ignacy Paderewski " in Kalisz and studied political science at the University of Breslau ( Wrocław). During his studies he was a member of Niezależne Zrzeszenie Studentów ( Independent Students Association - NZS ) and founded and directed the forum of students of the University of Wrocław. He was advisor to the Deputy Mayor of Wrocław and worked for the Special Commission of the Sejm to lobbying law.

In 2004, he ran unsuccessfully for the Prawo i Sprawiedliwość ( Law and Justice - PiS) for a seat in the European Parliament. In the 2005 parliamentary elections, he was elected on the list of PiS for the electoral district of Konin in the Sejm. On 15 May 2007 he was elected Chairman of the Commission of Inquiry on banks and banking supervision.

The Sejmwahlen 2007, he was confirmed with 15,824 votes for PiS deputy. He is a member of the Sejm commissions for the state budget as well as sports.
