Albert von Bezold

Albert von Bezold ( born January 7, 1836 in Ansbach, † March 2, 1868 in Würzburg ) was a German physiologist.


He came from Rothenburg's patrician family Bezold. He was the son of Christoph von Bezold Ansbacher physician (1789-1855), royal Bavarian Government and Kreismedizinalrat, of the Bavarian nobility recognition on March 9, 1843 in Munich received upon entry into the Adelsmatrikel on May 19, 1843. Reichsgerichtsrat The Gustav von Bezold (1829-1892) was his brother.


After Bezold 1854 had successfully completed his schooling, he began in the same year his medical studies in Munich. Already in the following year he accepted with the same subjects at the University of Würzburg. 1857 went to the University of Bezold Berlin to study with Emil Heinrich Du Bois -Reymond, where he was his assistant a year later.

1859 Bezold returned back to Würzburg to complete his dissertation "On the crossed effects of the spine ". In the same year Bezold got a professorship at the University of Jena ( as successor to Emil Huschke ), but he could not answer after submitting his thesis.

Bezold discovered the circulation effect, the scientific evidence Adolf Jarisch junior rendered ( Bezold -Jarisch reflex).


  • About the crossed effects of the spine. Dissertation University, Würzburg 1859