Angelo Maria Quirini

Angelo Maria Querini or Quirini OSB ( born March 30 1680 in Venice, † January 6, 1755 in Brescia) was a Benedictine and cardinal of the Catholic Church. He is the founder of the Biblioteca Queriniana in Brescia, which still exists today.

Querini maintained correspondence with eminent scholars and philosophers of his time, such as Voltaire, JJ Breitinger, FI Rothfischer, AG Kästner, JC Gottsched, GW church Maier, Bernard de Montfaucon, Jean Henri Samuel Formey and King Frederick II and Pope Benedict XIV


Gerolamo Querini was a descendant of the Venetian patrician family Querini Stampalia. At 17, he entered Florence in the order of Benedictines, took the religious name Angelo Maria and was ordained priest on 24 March 1702. He studied Greek, Hebrew, and mathematics. From 1710 to 1714 he went on study trips to France, the Netherlands, Germany and England, where he met with outstanding representatives of the Enlightenment. Since 1718, he was a member of the Pontifical Commission for the Revision of the Greek liturgical literature. In 1723 he was appointed Archbishop of Corfu, an office which he held until 1727. The bishop He was ordained in Rome on November 30, 1723 by Cardinal Francesco Barberini.

In the consistory of December 9, 1726 Pope Benedict XIII took him. first in pectore the College of Cardinals on, his choice was, however, published only on November 20, 1727. After receiving 1727 Cardinal's ring and biretta on December 22, Querini got over to a cardinal priest, the titular church of Sant'Agostino. Later, he also got the title Churches of San Marco and Santa Prassede. He participated in the conclaves of 1730 and 1740. In 1730, he was named Pope Clement XII. cardinal librarian of the Vatican Library, 1740 Prefect of the Index Congregation.

Due to disagreements with Benedict XIV, he was transferred to his diocese to Brescia. He founded the Biblioteca Queriniana, which he bequeathed his art and antique collection.


Publications and letters

Querini left about 50 fonts, including a history of his order, from Corfu and from Brescia, and an extensive correspondence.

  • Ad doctissimum et clarissimum virum D. Bernardium Montefauconium, Monachum Germaniensis coenobii Lutetiae. Rome in 1741.
  • Lettera all'Emin. Card.le mo ... Angelo Querini Ma, bibliotecario della SRC, Vescovo di Brescia ec. intorno agl'Italiani, che dal secoloXI. insin verso alla fine del XIV seppero Greco di / di Giangirolamo Gradenigo ..
  • Angelo Maria Querini, Georg Wilhelm Kirch Maier: Ad virum clarissimum George. Guil. Kirchmaierum consiliarium regium, et professorem p. epistola in universitate Vitembergensi. [ Correspondence ]. Brixen 1751st