Antoine Vessaz

Antoine Vessaz ( born June 20, 1833 in Lucens, † October 25 1911 in Konstanz, hometown entitled in Chabrey ) was a Swiss politician ( FDP).

Vessaz was 1868-1873 Prefect of Lausanne, then to 1875 director of the railway company Suisse Occidentale. From 1874 to 1878 he was a Member of the Parliament of the Canton of Vaud, then he worked until 1892 as a tax collector of the district of Lausanne. In the 1870s, he served as a director of the Union vaudoise de crédit. From 1871 he was a member of the board of directors of the Vaud Cantonal Bank, from 1878, he was also the supervisory board of Vaud Hypothekarkasse.

In 1875 Vessaz was elected to the Senate, which he was Chairman in 1878. He moved in 1878 to the National Council, where he served until 1883. In 1881 he was National President. As a member of the Cantonal Constitutional Council, he worked 1884/85 on a new cantonal constitution.

Vessaz was from 1886 the Board of Directors of the railway company Suisse Occidentale -Simplon - (SOS) and was composed it Louis Ruchonnet for the construction of the Simplon tunnel one. In 1889, he was the driving force behind the merger of the SOS with the Jura -Bern -Luzern -Bahn to the Jura -Simplon -Bahn (JS). He then served on the Board of Directors of JS. The newspaper Der Bund Vessaz accused of corruption in 1891, after which he gave up all offices and moved to his daughter Constance.
