
Apperception ( from neulat. adpercipere add perceive ) is the clear and conscious inclusion of the respective content of an experience, a perception or a thought.


In contrast to the perception Leibniz coined the term apperception for the mental process, perceived by the senses Shared by attention and memory, appropriated, is charged into consciousness and put into a context awareness.

Kant distinguished between the psychological or empirical apperception, the assets of the mind to form clear ideas from sense perception and the diverse beliefs through action of the internal sense combine to form a single idea and the pure or transcendental apperception as the faculty of consciousness at all, the understanding and reason and enclosing the springs from the universal and necessary unity of mind and cognitions of reason.

Another use of the term is found in Wilhelm Wundt ( Principles of Physiological Psychology, 1874, III, § 15), the difference between active, passive and indiscriminate, unprepared apperception.

A modern term, which is close to that of the apperception, is cognition.

The antonym of Apperzeptionsverweigerung has mainly the novelist Heimito of Doderer made ​​popular in the educational linguistic context, perhaps even invented. He said the refusal to perceive the world as it is.
