Arianne Caoili

Arianne Caoili ( born December 22, 1986 in Manila ) is an Australian chess player of Filipino origin.

Chess career

The daughter of an Australian- Dutch mother and a Filipino father learned to play chess at age six and began nine years to take part in international tournaments. In 1999 she won the National Women's Championships in the Philippines. In 2000, she was also the winner of the under- 16 -year-olds at the Asian Championships in Bagac.Unter eleven men took Arianne Caoili 2002 with 8 points from 11 games for third place at the Australian Masters, a round robin tournament of Category II in the same year she was awarded the title of International Women's Champion (WIM). In June 2009, she won with 8 points out of 9 rounds the zone tournament of Oceania women.

Since 2000 she regularly takes part in Chess Olympiads: 2000 and 2002, the first for the women's national team of the Philippines Board; for the women's team of Australia 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010 and 2012.

Arianne Caoili has been earned two standards for the Grandmaster title of the women; their Elo rating is 2242 (as of November 2010), so that it is available Irina Berezina in the women's rankings of Australia in the first place. Caoilis highest ever Elo rating of 2309, it reached in October 2002.

Example game

At the International Open of Malaga Arianne Caoili succeeded as 13 -year-old, a surprising success against the Russians Vladimir Jepischin which belonged in 2000 with an Elo rating of 2667 to the best players in the world. In the fourth round, it came to the position shown in which the Russians - playing with the black pieces - underwent a terrible mistake: He struck with his lady the pawn on d4, which is indeed covered by the white queen on g4, but he trusted on the tactical wit 38 ... Nc3 - e2 ( Springer fork), who was the lady recover with more builders. After 37 ... Db6xd4 the young Australian countered in turn with the springer fork 38 Se3 - f5 , after which the black queen is lost. Jepischin gave up.


Arianne Caoili danced in 2006 in the Australian dance competition show Dancing with the Stars (German Format: Let's Dance ) as prominent on the side of the dancer Carmelo Pizzino; the pair was second.
