Ariwara no Narihira

Ariwara no Narihira (Japanese在 原 业 平; * 825, † July 9 880 ) was a Japanese waka poet and aristocrat. He was one of six waka poets who were mentioned in the preface, written in Cana of Kokinshu of Ki no Tsurayuki. He is regarded as a hero of the Ise Monogatari ( Tale of Ise ), even though the remains anonymous in the story, whose love affairs but would fit on Narihira. He is one of the Thirty-Six Immortals of Poetry.


He was the fifth son of Prince Abo, a son of the Emperor Heizei. His mother, Princess Ito, was the Emperor Kammu 's daughter, so he was associated with the Emperor Kammu in both the paternal and the maternal line. Together with his brothers he was discharged to civilian life and received a new clan name, Ariwara.

Although he came from the highest nobility of ancestrally, was his political life, particularly during the reign of Emperor Montoku, not remarkable. In these 30 years, he was not given a higher rank at court. The cause of this is considered a scandal, which concerned him and Fujiwara no Takaiko, an imperial consort, and another high-ranking lady. Both Love affairs were mentioned in Ise Monogotari.

As Waka - Waka poets of his 30 were included in the Kokin - wakashu. Traditionally, it was considered as a model for the hero of the Ise monogotari, containing many of his waka. However, not all Waka contained his work there and some episodes may have so little happened in his real life. Thanks a reference in the preface of Kokinshu he is considered one of the six best waka poets.

He is traditionally regarded as the embodiment of beau homme in Japanese culture. It is believed that he was one of the men who Murasaki Shikibu inspired when she created Hikaru Genji, the hero of the Tale of Genji; particular aspects of their history that relate to the forbidden love between a woman and a high-ranking member of the court.
