Artaman League

As Artamanen the members of the formally founded in Munich in 1926 "covenant Artam eV" ​​designated, a radical- nationalist settlement of Nations in German national wing of the German youth movement. This was incorporated in 1934 in the Hitler Youth.


The name referred immediately to a call by Willibald Hentschel, who had demanded in the leaves of Niegard 2 (1923 ): "A gallant German fighting community on German soil - I call Artam. " Wilhelm Kotzde - Kottenrodt and Bruno dancing man printed in the spring issue 1924, the German Farmers colleges after this call and set it to the entire nationalist youth movement.

Subsequent interpretations of, Artam ' tried naming the Old High German words in art (, agriculture ') and manen ( Men ') due. However Hentschel, Artam ' before 1910 and later allegedly derived in various editions of Varuna from the Persian had, but in the different editions with different interpretations. This suggests that it is a created by him made-up word. The slogan of the Artamanen was: " The believers, we serve the earth and the great dying and becoming. "


The group held a nationalist, agrarian romantic blood - and - soil ideology and advocated a voluntary service work in agriculture. My worldview was shaped by racial ideology and ethnic - esoteric ideas.

After their self- meant " Artam " " the renewal of the primal forces of nationality, from blood, soil, sun and truth." The Artamanen intended to, in the German eastern provinces to live in a self-sufficient community as possible, in the countryside and rural activities, to thus form a barrier against the penetration and the employment of Polish seasonal workers at harvest time. The community of Artamanen was structured hierarchically since 1927 after the leader principle. In their view, the fate of Germany would not decide in the West, not in the Rhine and Ruhr, but on the Vistula and Memel.


The first Artamanschaft came in April 1924 on the manor Limbach, Saxony, led by the Transylvanian young farmers August G. Kenstler used; followed by other groups. 1926 level of 650 volunteers was reached on 65 estates and farms, 1929, at the height of the movement, there were around 2000 to around 300 goods.

However, the large landowners in the east -paid volunteers often poor, gave them poor housing and treated them bad. Therefore, the federal government Artam proceeded to the income of the members to deposit up to a little pocket money in a common fund. These funds run-down goods were bought and made ​​profitable capable in a multi-year transition period, but then divided into individual farms to an average of 15 hectares. In Koppelow in Mecklenburg 38 families were settled so after four years of intermediate and advanced economy. This preferred by the group Artamanen settlement meant no collective economy. Only with development and construction of the settlement has been taken jointly.


Although Hentschel formally initiated the club until 1927, when Chancellor, however, acted Friedrich Schmidt, until then party member Hans Holfelder took office. Headquarters was Halle ( Saale). Other leading figures in the club were the already mentioned Bruno dance man of the German Farmers' High School, William Kotzde - Kottenrodt, founder and leader of the eagles and hawks, and August Georg Kenstler, publisher of blood and soil. Many Artamanen were also members of the eagles and hawks, who set up a private Artamanenamt and in their Zwiespruch the special supplement out gave the Artamane. Responsible for this was Hans Teichmann, who later became chief editor The Coming.

In 1927, George William Schiele a " Society of Friends of Artamanenbewegung " and enlisted in wealthy circles of support.

The members of the Artamanen included some later prominent Nazis as the Reich Farm Leader Richard Walther Darré, his close collaborator Horst Rechbach, the Auschwitz commandant Rudolf Hoess, the Prime Minister of Mecklenburg Walter Granzow, head of the Home Schooling Office of the NSDAP, the already mentioned Friedrich Schmidt and the Reichsführer- SS Heinrich Himmler, who was confirmed on 21 December 1929 on the Empire Thing of Artamanen in Freyburg an der Unstrut as Gauführer the Federal Artam in Bavaria, to which he was appointed in mid 1928 by Holfelder. As a speaker at the event in Freyburg were gathered: the nationalist writer Georg Stammler, Max Robert Gerstenhauer, Hans Severus Ziegler, Ernst Niekisch, Friedrich Muck - Lamberty, Kleo Pleyer, Alfred Rosenberg, and Baldur von Schirach.

1942 approved the Reich Youth Leader "in appreciation of the merit of Artamanenbewegung " that the old Artamanen Badge ( blue sign with Rune and Pleiades ) for service uniform of the Hitler Youth of the former of the NS Federation of Artamanen and the Federal Artamanen members eV can be worn. The badge was worn on the left breast pocket below the party badge.


In the realm Thing 1929, there was the separation of Artamanen. The majority of the national leadership excluded the minority who thereupon as " The Artamanen. Bündische communities for agricultural work and development " was constituted as a federal leader in a separate covenant with Fritz Hugo Hoffmann. Thus, the decline of the movement began. The standing still in the early settlement activity of Artamanen came to an end.

After the dissolution, and the prohibition of all other organizations of the youth movement and the voluntary youth movement in the wake of the DC circuit by the National Socialists ' League of Artamanen " was adopted as the only exception in October 1934 corporation in the Hitler Youth ( HJ) and later formed the core of the country of HJ service.


The total number of young people who have been active in the Artamanenbewegung over the 12 years of its existence, is 25000-30000. In September 1966, the first " Artam -Newsletter " by and for old Artamanen was sent, later the " Artam leaves " a circle of friends and " friends of the Artamanen " emerged from the, which was dissolved in 2001 and transferred to the " Überbündischen circle ". By 2001, annual national meeting of the Friends of had taken place.

Neo - Artamanen

Pictures of Artaman League
