Arval Brethren

The Arvalbrüder (Latin Fratres Arvales ) was a Roman Twelve college of priests. Their importance is originally " Brothers of the field " ( arvum, field, field '). They were the priests of the otherwise unknown Roman goddess Dea Dia, a fertility goddess.

The cult is very old and was hardly evident already in the times of the Roman Republic. Originally intended the twelve sons of priests of Acca Larentia have been, was a mistress of Hercules and wife of Faustulus and nurse of Romulus. The records of the ritual acts ( acta ) are partially preserved in situ. So we know that iron and turned on the potter's wheel vessels in the sacred grove were banned on the Via Campana. A letter addressed to Mars Cult song ( Carmen Arvale ) the Arvalbrüder begins with the words ENOS LASES IUVATE - "Help us, Laren ". The related, mentioned in the text dance triumpus (three step ), was also danced in triumph, who owes him his name. In addition to old gods like the Dea Dia, and the source of God Fons Capitoline Triad was sacrificed.

The College consisted of patricians, the one magister ( teacher ) chose himself the spokesman. Next to him seemed the flamen, a particularly prominent priest. Membership was for life, and was supplemented by co-option.

After the cultic association was barely significant in the republican times, it was revived by Augustus BC 27 and entrusted with tasks related to the imperial cult. The Arvalbrüder sacrificed now on memorial of Emperor to their welfare. The Emperor and his friend Agrippa were among the first members of the newly purchased priesthood. The Arvalbrüder have now been selected by the Emperor ( pre-) and put their vows in front of the imperial family from. The Emperor and the individual members of their family were members of the college, such as Tiberius Julius Caesar Nero, known Gemellus, who was murdered by Caligula later as a rival for the throne. It was not until the late third century lost the cult important again. The Fasti sacerdotum call 307 for the last time a Arvalbruder named Annius Rufus.
