Astroloba rubriflora

Poellnitzia rubriflora is the only species of the monotypic genus Poellnitzia of the subfamily of Asphodelus ( Asphodeloideae ). The botanical name of the genus honors the German botanist Karl von farmer and Poellnitz who worked intensively with the nomenclature of succulent plants. The specific epithet is derived from the Latin rubriflora rubra words for 'red' and - florus for, flourishing ' and refers to the flower color of the Art

  • 3.1 Literature
  • 3.2 Notes and references


Vegetative characteristics

Poellnitzia rubriflora is a herbaceous, stem -forming, sprouting, perennial plant. Your shoots are up to 25 inches long and have a diameter of about 1 centimeter. The dark green, thick and hard leaves form rosettes four lines. You are sparrig - ziegelig and arranged in spiral rows. The leaf blade is 2 to 4 inches long, to the base about two inches wide and up to 0.5 inches thick. The leaf margin is tiny rough, the blade tip pungent - pointed.

Inflorescences and flowers

The inflorescence is a simple, initially horizontal, up to 50 centimeters long panicle. The lower parts are covered with sterile bracts. The upright flowers are einseitswendig. The short flower stems are erect and persistent. The orange to red tepals have dark green tips. The tepals are fused at their base to a narrow, elongated flower tube. The tube is about 2 inches long and measures 3 millimeters in diameter. In the upper third of it is slightly bent. The free parts of the tepals stick together closely. At their head they are spoon-shaped and inclined together. The six stamens set in the Perigonröhre and are about 18 millimeters long. Their stamens are bright green. The yellow, dorsifixen dust bag rip open longitudinally and are intrors. The green, sedentary ovary is 6-7 millimeters long and has a diameter of 3 millimeters. The 12 mm long stylus is white, straight and capitate.

Fruit and seeds

The fruits are cylindrical, dreifächrige, lokulizide capsule fruits, their tip is rounded. They are about 16 millimeters long and reach diameter of 3 to 4 millimeters. The fruit capsules contain angular, dark brown to black, short- winged seeds of about 4 millimeters in length.


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Systematics and distribution

Poellnitzia rubriflora is in South Africa's Western Cape Province in the Robertson Karoo, ie area spread around Robertson, Bonnievale and McGregor, especially in the winter rainfall region in Karoo -like shrubs at altitudes of about 150 to 200 meters.

The first description as Apicra rubriflora by Harriet Margaret Louisa Bolus was published in 1920. Antonius Adrianus Josephus Uitewaal introduced in 1940 for this type of the genus Poellnitzia.

Morphologically similar Poellnitzia rubriflora some species of the genera Aloe, Astroloba and Haworthia. However, the flower morphology is unique within the group of Alooideae because the dark green, free portions of the tepals inclined to stay together and having folded - klappige, scarcely spreading, extreme peaks.

It forms intergeneric hybrids with species of the genus Gasteria ( × Poellneria GDRowley ) and triple hybrids with species of the genera Gasteria and Haworthia ( = × Cummingara GDRowley )

Nomenclatural synonyms are Astroloba rubriflora ( L.Bolus ) E.Lamb (1955, nom. Inval. ICBN article 33.2), Haworthia rubriflora ( L.Bolus ) Parr (1971 ), Aloe rubriflora ( L.Bolus ) GDRowley (1981 ) and Astroloba rubriflora ( L.Bolus ) Gideon F.Sm. & J.C.Manning (2000). Were included in the species as a synonym Apicra jacobseniana Poelln. (1939 ), Poellnitzia rubriflora var jacobseniana ( Poelln. ) Uitewaal (1955) and Haworthia rubriflora var jacobseniana ( Poelln. ) Parr (1972, nom. Inval. ICBN article 33.2).

