
Structure is the name of a German - Jewish newspaper, which was founded in 1934. By 2004, her seat was in New York. Since February 2005 she is in Zurich with the full title structure. The Jewish monthly magazine under the ISSN 0004-7813 produced.


On 1 December 1934, the building first appeared as a first sheet of free association " German Jewish Club", later " New World Club " in New York. It quickly developed into the most important information source and contact point for Jewish and other German -speaking refugees in the United States. With the word " structure ", its English form " Reconstruction" at times served as a subtitle, the renewal of the German - Jewish life in the U.S. was meant. The metaphor is also available in the slogan "We are building on " the Zionists in Palestine; it was widely used in the Weimar Republic as a symbol of hope

Founded by German and Austrian emigrants as a forum for cultural platform and mouthpiece, it was during the time of National Socialism, the most important organ of the German-speaking Jews who had fled to the United States and other refugees. Employees of the editorial board were at times personalities like Albert Einstein, Thomas Mann and Stefan Zweig. Longtime editor in chief from 1939 Manfred George, who sat by a weekly show.

Well-known authors were Hannah Arendt, Max Brod, Martin Buber, Oskar Maria Graf, Heinrich Eduard Jacob, Ludwig Marcuse, Hertha Pauli, Alfred Polgar, Curt Riess, Hans Sahl, Will Schaber, Gershom Scholem, Helmut Kuhn and Carl Zuckmayer.

The structure is a member of the Association International Media Assistance. All published 1934-1950 article was provided by the German National Library (DNB ) online in digitized form in June 2004. The end of 2004 acquired the Zurich publishing Jewish Media AG, the publishing rights to the emigrant newspaper.

Since January 2005, the structure appeared as a monthly magazine. The same publisher also publishes the magazine Tachles. Such transfer to Europe should take into account in Germany the situation changed since 1989 the Jewish community, with the participation of the international readership German language shows interest. The magazine represents pluralist, humanist and universalist approaches. Since 2009, she appears in the same place in the Serenada AG under the editor Susanne Braginsky. About the new structure and the relationship to Tachles informed a note in Issue 1/2009 of this journal.
