Augusto dos Anjos

Augusto dos Anjos ( born April 20, 1884 in Pau D' Arco, Paraíba, † November 12, 1914 in Leopoldina, Minas Gerais ) was a Brazilian poet.

Anjos was regarded in Brazil as unique. Born in Pau D' Arco, Paraíba in 1884, he died in 1914, with only 30 years in Leopoldina, Minas Gerais. He had a lung ailment and it is believed that he died of tuberculosis.

He only wrote one book: "Eu" ( I ), which is characterized by its pessimism. His poetry is strongly influenced by autobiographical. His goal is to spread the tragic feeling, which he has as such from life. Augusto dos Anjos is one of the authors of the so-called pre-modern ( Pré- Modernism ).

Pictures of Augusto dos Anjos
