Aurora Reyes Flores

Aurora Reyes Flores ( born September 9, 1908 in Hidalgo del Parral, † April 26, 1985 in Mexico City) was a Mexican artist and the first female representative of the Mexican muralism.


Reyes was the daughter of a soldier Leon Reyes and Luisa Flores. Her grandfather was General Bernardo Reyes and her uncle, the artist Alfonso Reyes. Her parents sought shortly after the outbreak of the Mexican Revolution in Mexico City in the anonymity of the big city shelter from political persecution. After the situation in the country had calmed down, she attended at the age of 13 years, the Escuela Nacional Preparatoria, later to 1924, the Escuela Nacional de Bellas Artes and introduced first time in 1925 at the Galería from ARS. She married the journalist Jorge Godoy, received from him in 1926 her first son Héctro and shortly after the separation from her husband in 1931 to her second son Jorge. Since 1927 she also taught art education at schools. From 1936 she was a member of the Liga de Artistas y Escritores Revolucionarios and painted in the same year at the Centro Escolar Revolución known her first mural " Atentado a los maestros Rurales ." Between 1960 and 1972 she painted another four murals in the auditorium of May 15, the Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores de la Educación Nacional ( SNTE ). Your sixth mural painted it to 1978 in the old " Hernán Cortés - " house in Coyoacán Delegation. Reyes was a member of the Partido Comunista Mexicano and the Confederación Nacional Campesina.

Pictures of Aurora Reyes Flores
