
Two species from this family: Links Lophophytum mirabile, right Sarcophyte sanguinea

Balanophoraceae are a plant family in the order Sandelholzartige ( Santalales ). It contains about 17 genera with 50 species. Most species occur in tropical countries.


The belonging to the family types are fleshy, parasitically living herbaceous plants that lack true leaves. The leaves are reduced to scales. Since they otherwise have no chlorophyll, they do not appear in green, but are more like mushrooms. Under the earth they are connected by a line with a host plant. Roots are missing. From the rhizome stand naked or scaly stems up.

You are getrenntgeschlechtig, monoecious ( monoecious ) or dioecious ( dioecious ). The small, unisexual flowers are arranged in a plurality in capitate, butt or racemose inflorescences. The male flowers do not bloom until eight and the same number of stamens as bloom. If no bracts are present, hold the flowers one to two stamens. The female flowers do not bloom and only two to five carpels, which have become an inferior ovary.

Balanophora called acorn -supporting.

Systematics and distribution

The Balanophoraceae family is classified in the order of sandalwood ( Santalales ).

In the family Balanophoraceae there are 17 genera and 50 species ( with home ):

  • Balanophora forest. & G.Forst. Having about 15-17 species in the tropics of the Old World.
  • Chlamydophytum Mildbr. , It is a monotypic genus with the only kind: Chlamydophytum aphyllum Mildbr. ; they occur in tropical Africa
  • Corynaea crassa Hook. f: in tropical America.
  • Dactylanthus taylorii Hook. f; it occurs in New Zealand.
  • Ditepalanthus afzelii Fagerl.
  • Ditepalanthus malagasicus ( Jum. & H. Perr. ) Fagerl.
  • Exorhopala ruficeps ( Ridl. ) Steenis; it occurs on the Malaysian Peninsula.
  • Hachettea austrocaledonica Baill. ; it occurs in New Caledonia.
  • Helosis cayennensis ( Sw. ) Spreng.; it occurs in the Neotropics.
  • Lathrophytum peckoltii Eichler; it is found in Brazil (only province of Rio de Janeiro ).
  • Lophophytum leandrii Eichler
  • Lophophytum Schott & Endl mirabile.
  • Lophophytum rizzoi Delprete
  • Lophophytum weddellii Hook. f
  • Mystropetalon polemannii Harv.
  • Mystropetalon thomii Harv.
  • Rhopalocnemis phalloides Jungh. ; it occurs in Indomalaysischen room.
  • Sarcophyte sanguinea subsp. piriei ( Hutch. ) B. Hansen
  • Sarcophyte sanguinea Sparrm. subsp. sanguinea
  • Scybalium depressum ( Hook. f ) Eichler
  • Scybalium Schott & Endl fungiform.
  • Scybalium glaziovii Eichler
  • Scybalium jamaicense ( Sw. ) Schott & Endl.
  • Thonningia sanguinea Vahl; it is found in West and Central Africa.


  • The Balanophoraceae family in APWebsite (English )
  • The Balanophoraceae family at DELTA of L.Watson and MJDallwitz.
  • The Balanophoraceae in Parasitic plant family.
  • David John Mabberley: Mabberley 's Plant -Book. A portable dictionary of plants, Their classification and uses. 3rd ed Cambridge University Press, 2008. ISBN 978-0-521-82071-4