
54.20055555555613.13583333333324Koordinaten: 54 ° 12 '2 " N, 13 ° 8' 9" E

Behnke village is a municipality in the district of Vorpommern - Rügen Sundhagen and is located south of Stralsund.

Geography and transport

Behnke village is located about 15 km south of the city of Stralsund. Through the village runs the B 96 The connection of Stralsund A 20 is 15 km away.


Behnke village is mentioned together with Ahrendsee on March 8, 1304 for the first time in a bill of sale a document. In 1323, the Hospital St. alcohol was Stralsund in the village Ahrendsee. It also possessed the high jurisdiction over the whole village.

The community Behnke village joined on 7 June 2009 with the communities Behnke village, Brandshagen, Horst, Kirchdorf, Miltzow, Reinberg and Wilmshagen to Sundhagen community together. It consisted of the districts Ahrendsee, wholesale Behnkenhagen, Hildebrandshagen, small Behnkenhagen and Behnke village.


  • Grange Great Behnkenhagen